So, what do you think of my page?
What should I add to it? Or take away?

I added some info about 'Soldiers Live' to the "Books Info" page.
I fixed some miss directed links, they all should be working now
I have pruned out the missing sites from my links page, and I added links to several Black Company sites I just found.
My hotmail backdoor does not work now due to hotmails new setup, I have deleted the login window on the links page.
If you feel I need to do more updates I totaly agree.. pleases if there is anything you would like to see added to the outpost email me.
I fixed the hotmail login on the links page. It should be working now.
I added a page that compairs The Black Company and Myth: the Fallen Lords, to the games info page.
There is a new Glen Cook discussion list, find out about it on the Books info page.
I updated my links page.
The new book "Water Sleeps" is now avaliable in stores.
I added the "Water Sleeps" cover image to the Books info page, and you are now able to buy the book from amazon.com directly from that link.
Are you interested in the new book "Water Sleeps"? If so, then check my Books info page, I have posted a sample of the text.
I replaced the email animation with a still gif.
Added new news and a cover pic of "Water Sleeps" to the Books info page.
I want to appologize for my lack of updates, but its strange how life can rear its ugly head, thanks for bearing with me.
Shuffeled some of the things on the links page around.
I put in a new background. I was tired of the old one, if you like this one, or have a one you you think would look better, let me know.
I did some thinking about the links I have on the links page. I decided that Black Company links should be the MAJOR portion of the page. I have included my entire list of Black Company Sites.
Replaced the tracker with a new version of the same tracker because the old one quit working.
Added an update to the 'Books info' page.
Made a few small changes to the index page.
Most people probably won't notice, but I added a hexidecmal color to the background of all the pages, incase your browser has images turned off.
I also removed the "Imp" image from the front page.
Updated the news on the Books info page.
Added a link to a Russian/English Black Company Web page.
Added a few minor modifications to the index page.
I added a link to a friends homepage on my links page.
I have been accepted as an Amazon.com Associate. I now recive a small commission for each book sold from one of my links.
Made a few changes to the 'Books info' page.
Removed some of the icons on the links page.
Removed the webrings from the links page and created a new 'ring' page to hold them.
Added a link to the 'Black Company Index', an outstanding creation that indexes all the proper nouns and names from the first three Black Company Novels. Take the time to check this one out!
Put up the 'Books info' page.
Added links to amazon.com from the 'Books info' page, allowing you to purchace the Black Company books.
Fixed a little of the grammar on the items page.
Made the font sizes on the pages more uniform.
Reworked the main page.
Made the spinning skull animations still.
Added 'Death Head' icons to the Links page.
I have worked on the links page some over the last few days.
I added a new section 'Books Info', but I haven't had a chance to upload the page. It will be there soon.
I have created an animated 'Death Head badge', its at the top of the front page. Sorry if it takes a long time to load, it is 258K. Its my first GIF, what do you think?
I also added a still version of the GIF to the 'Game stats for the Company' page. Its only 9K!
Sorry its been so long, but...
Linked from the 'Black Company Maps' link, to Jeff Wragg's new site which contains a map of the North, and a tentative map of the south.
There will be more to come....
Added a complete list of the Taken to the AD&D Company info page.
Added a link to the Lothlorien index of fantasy artists on the links page.
Removed the Forgotten Realms webring link because it quit working.
Added Glen Cook's mailing address to the Tribute page.
Fixed the fonts on all of the pages.
Cleaned up some more of the html.
Added a link to the Official Glen Cook Bibliography to the Tribute page.
Added a link to northlight.com to links page.
Changed the links page a little bit more.
Cleaned up the html of most of the pages.
Added a link to Torgal's Pit.
Was added to The Guild RPG Ring.
Changed several minor things on the links page.
Added a Hotmail login box to the links page.
Added some graphics to the links page and moved lots of stuff around.
Added Height and Width attributes to all of the graphics on the Outpost, in an attempt to speed up the download time.
Added a link and graphic to the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign.
Applied to join the The Guild RPG Ring, and added the graphics to the links page.
Updated the AD&D internet index link on the links page.
I am sorry that I haven't posted anything in the last couple of weeks, I've been busy with school.
I am working with Janus on the AD&D stats for the Company brothers. If you would like to contribute just E-mail me.
Added a link to the AD&D internet index on the links page.
Removed the nedstat tracer because it didn't give enough info.
Listed the volumes of the Annals on the items page.
Added a new hit tracer to the index page.
Added lots of names to the roster and reformated the entire table.
I'm back from spring break! Back to college and internet access.
Changed the company standard info to match those in 'She Is The Darkness' page 127.
Deleted some of the unimportant links on the Links page.
Changed the Titles of most the pages.
Worked on the Roster some more.
Fixed the roster and added some of the names to the brother file.
Added a link to the Unearthed Arcania.
Removed IPstat trackers because they quit working.
Added a 130k scan of the cover of Bleak Seasons to the tribute page linked from the smaller pic.
Added a link to "T'Laan and the Ten who were Taken" to the links page.
Temporarily replaced the Attributes page with the roster until I get the attributes page presentable.
Created a Company roster, file named brothers, linked from the who is company page.
Added IPstat trackers to several of the pages.
Added more Forgotten Realms info specific for the Company on the convert page.
Added the history "myth" to the Lance of Passion under the Company Standard.
Asked about a Black Company Webring on this page.
Added info about the Company Badges on the items page.
Added changes to the format of the items page.
Corrected the spelling mistakes that I could find.
Set up format for the items page.
Put description for lance of passion and death's head banner on items page.
Added e-mail link on hidden page and reset the counter there
Set the return buttons on the items, stats, and convert pages to arrive at the adnd_start page.
Added Free Form Fantasy Webring Graphics
Removed shapeshifter from main page
Added Update page to main page
Changed password on hidden page from full name to just first name